
1)HeadovertotheofficialnitoTVwebsiteanddownloadgreeng0blin.Youdon'tneedtodownloadthenitoTVinstallerasit'sbundledinsidegreeng0blin.2) ...,安裝越獄App教學.首先請先將AppleTV設備透過USB-TypeC傳輸線接上電腦,並將電源線一併接上AppleTV,注意HDMI線也要接上電視。步驟1.▽下載Cydia ...,[tvOS10.2.2越獄教學]使用greeng0blin綠惡魔越獄工具解放AppleTV4設備·tvOS越獄/2018-02-10/作者:瘋先生/greeng0blin,tvOS10.2.2,...

Jailbreak tvOS 10.2.2 Apple TV Guide [greeng0blin]

1) Head over to the official nitoTV website and download greeng0blin. You don't need to download the nitoTV installer as it's bundled inside greeng0blin. 2) ...

[tvOS 10.2.2越獄教學]使用greeng0blin綠惡魔越獄工具解放 ...

安裝越獄App教學. 首先請先將Apple TV設備透過USB-Type C傳輸線接上電腦,並將電源線一併接上Apple TV,注意HDMI線也要接上電視。 步驟1. ▽ 下載Cydia ...

tvOS 10.2.2

[tvOS 10.2.2越獄教學]使用greeng0blin綠惡魔越獄工具解放Apple TV4設備 · tvOS越獄 / 2018-02-10 / 作者: 瘋先生 / greeng0blin, tvOS 10.2.2, tvOS越獄, 綠惡魔越獄.

backr00m jailbreak for tvOS 10.2.2->11.1

An iOS 10.x Jailbreak for all 64-bit devices. Website: All credits can be found on the website. Thanks ...


backr00m is a semi-untethered jailbreak released for tvOS 10.2.2-11.1. It supports both the Apple TV HD and Apple TV 4K. It supersedes greeng0blin by using ...


[Tip] tvOS 10.2.2 is still being signed for Apple TV 4, compatible with backr00m jailbreak. Tip.

[Release] AppleTV Jailbreak Greeng0blin nitoTV for TvOS 10.2.2 is ...

It costs $29.95, it's well supported, making maintaining your device very simple. In addition, it comes with built-in backup utilities which ...

Jailbreak Apple TV HD (ex Apple TV 4) To tvOS 10.2.2 ...

Downgrade Apple TV 4 to tvOS 10.2.2 and jailbreak with blackr00m: - iTunes (if you're on a Windows PC; on a Mac you already have it): ...

How To Jailbreak Apple TV 4 tvOS 10.2.2 + Downgrade ...

How to jailbreak Apple TV 4 tvOS 10.2.2 + Downgrade tvOS 12 & 11 Back To 10.2.2 SemiUntethered. 3K views 6 years ago

NitoTV TVOS 10.2.2 Jailbreak Released

A True TVOS 9/10 Jailbreak Is Finally Here! NitoTV Installer for TVOS 9.X to 10.1 and GreenGoblin TVOS 10.2.2 Jailbreak!